7 Feb - 15 Apr 2020

Robbie O’Leary Photography Exhibition

Mill Theatre's Robbie O'Leary Photography Exhibition

Robbie O’Leary Photography Exhibition

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

The words of poet WH Davies best explain the purpose of this exhibition: images of Irish butterflies. It offers a unique opportunity to come and admire the delicate beauty of these colourful native creatures and to wonder at the detailed and intricate patterns that set them apart as true symbols of the richness and fragility of our natural heritage. Symbols too of the Irish summer: short-lived and unpredictable but to be savoured and appreciated, many of our butterfly species are increasingly threatened by climate change, urbanisation and habitat destruction.

Robbie O’Leary, AIPF, is an award-winning photographer and teacher of photography. Specialising in nature and sports photography, he has managed to capture a selection of superb high quality images that powerfully showcase the rich diversity of these tiny, fleeting insects.

  • Gallery Exhibition
