21 Feb

Older, Bolder, Wiser


Older, Bolder, Wiser

Older, Bolder, Wiser’ is writer and broadcaster, Barbara Scully’s first one woman show.

It is a lively, rollercoaster journey of storytelling and stand-up comedy as Barbara muses on some of the absurdities of being a woman (magic knickers and smear tests feature) along with the joy of getting older. Barbara says that once you stop paying attention to the messages about anti-ageing and other nonsense around how women should be in the world, getting older is great.

“Once you are through the menopause, you arrive at a wonderful time, full of freedoms and the opportunity to do things that you have not been able to in earlier decades. The problem is that no one tells you about it,” she says. Barbara thinks this is bloody ridiculous and is on a mission to tell women to embrace getting older and to use the freedom of being older to do whatever they like. “Men need to hear this message too,” she says, “’cos when the post menopausal women start to realise their power…. Well… it’s gonna get interesting.”

Running time:  1 hour 15minutes with no interval.  Suitable for age 18+

  • €20
  • 8pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Comedy


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