18 Sep - 24 Oct



Weekday school performances at 10am and 1.30pm. 

School Performance Student Tickets:  €22 (1 teacher free with every 20 students attending)  

Booking is by email only to: info@milltheatre.ie   

Booking opens on Monday 24th March at 9am.  Any emails received before this time will not be accepted.  

“What’s done, cannot be undone.”

In a nightmarish world savaged by war, the body count rises in a taut and explosive drama of naked ambition. The celebrated soldier, Macbeth, haunted by demons of the mind, spirals out of control when the psychological scars of murder, drive him beyond redemption.

An extraordinary tale of a golden couple whose lust for power sees them unravel at the seams. Grief and madness, rips them apart. Haunted by supernatural forces and driven to extremes, Macbeth explodes in a bloody, claustrophobic minefield of ego, greed and ambition.

Directed by Geoff O’Keeffe, dlr Mill Theatre present a contemporary, fast paced, and engaging production for both students and lovers of Shakespeare alike.

Running Time:  2 hours 30 minutes including an interval.

For public performances on Saturday 4th and 11th October. 

Booking opens online on Tuesday 25th March at 11am. 

Tickets €25/€23

  • €25/ €23/ €22
  • 10am, 1.30pm and 7.30pm
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Drama

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