7 Sep 2023

Hamlet Cast Announcement

We are delighted to announce an ensemble cast of professional actors to bring Shakespeare’s tragedy to life.

dlr Mill Theatre Hamlet

Cast Announcement

One of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays, Hamlet tells the story of the eponymous young prince of Denmark, who, spurred on by his father’s ghost, sets out to uncover and then avenge the murder of his parent.

Directed by Katie O’Halloran, an ensemble cast of professional actors.

Hamlet – Tiernan Messitt-Greene
Ophelia – Isolde Fenton
Claudius – Ruairí Lenaghan
Ghost – Jed Murray
Polonius – Karl Quinn
Gertrude – Jenny Fennessy
Laertes – Kerril Kelly
Horatio – Darragh Feehely
Guildenstern – Ben Waddell
Rosencrantz – Molly Whelan

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